Conference Committees

The Power of Marxist Thought
York University, Toronto
Friday & Saturday, 26–27 September 2025


Planning committee (room booking, adjudicating abstracts; conference programme; and publication of papers):

Theryn Arnold
Raju Das
Carlo Fanelli
David Fasenfest
Robert Latham
Christopher Little
Joe Pateman
Ankit Singh

Budget committee (collecting/applying for funding, preparing budgets, catering, and subsidies/grants for students):

Raju Das
David Fasenfest
John Simoulidis

Communication Committee: (website, advertising, books table, poster design):

Aishwarya Bhattacharyya
Raju Das
John Simoulidis
Fatma Taran

Social committee (conference social/dinner and other events):

Joe Pateman
John Simoulidis
Hyun Ok Park